Jeffrey Reed

Associate Professor of Art, Community College of Philadelphia

Professor Jeffrey Reed is an Associate Professor of Art at the Community College of Philadelphia. He shows at Gross McCleaf Gallery on Sixteenth Street, Philadelphia. Jeffrey Reed received his MFA at the University of Pennsylvania and his BFA at the Maryland Institute of Art.  He was granted a fellowship and residency at the Ballinglen Arts Foundation in 2000.  Reed has mastered the art of handling light and atmosphere within his delicate, lyrical compositions. When he is painting on site he feels a connection with the familiar and a sense of discovery at the same time. He paints in the same locations multiple times allowing him to focus on changes in the light and atmosphere. Typically Reed works outside for two to three hours on a painting until he get the essence of a particular landscape. Then back in the studio, the work is focused on developing the forms and trying to resolve the design of the painting.